Monday, December 26, 2011

Pre 2012 Thoughts

Here it is...the end of 2011...2012 is just around the corner. And what do I have to show for these past 12 months? If you had asked me last January, I would have said that this would be the year I finally got in shape - and stayed that way! December 2011 would see me wearing a smaller size and humming with energy. I would be eating healthier and exercising regularly. I'd be participating in run/walk events and walking the trails of St. Louis County Parks.

I got off to a pretty good start. I was eating a balanced diet and walking with Leslie Sansone. In March (or was it April?) I walked in the Undy 5000. When I stepped up my workouts and joined the ranks of Jillian Michaels (Biggest Loser) devotees, I ended up with bursitis in my right hip and other assorted aches and pains. Then in July I had pneumonia. From there things went downhill. The pneumonia came back in October and an antibiotic I took effected all my joints for months (still getting over it.)

December finds me disappointed, weaker and needing a good health makeover more than ever! The thing about not succeeding is that it always offers a lesson. I seem to work on the same lessons over and over, but each time brings a bit more wisdom; I like to think no effort is ever wasted.

I have invested time and effort in the study and practice of healthy habits; have done much reading, watched many a health and weight loss video or program and have a passing familiarity with several online resources. What I have not had for some time, are partners to share the journey with me and I firmly believe that friends can make all the difference.

I would love to hear your ideas, thoughts and wisdom. Together we can take charge of our health and move surely toward our goals.
