Monday, January 2, 2012

Journal Your Way to Success

Have you ever kept a journal? You may not realize it, but there is a strong link between journaling and achieving goals. Writing things down can make them happen.

In one of my favorite books, Write It Down, Make It Happen by Henriette Anne Klauser, on page 16 the author tells her readers "If you know what you want, you can have it." By simply writing down what you want or need, you make a connection with the reticular activating system (RAS) in your brain. That is a tiny group of cells at the base of your brain which sorts and evaluates all the data coming in through your senses. By making note of what you want, you program the RAS to pay attention to any and all signals that pertain to your goals.

Klauser notes some celebrity success stories centered around written goals. One is a story of Jim Carrey writing himself a check for 10 million dollars "for services rendered". He carried this around in his pocket for years. Cartoonist Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) wrote the phrase "I will become a syndicated cartoonist" 15 times a day until it came true. Suze Orman wrote the phrase "I am young, powerful and successful, producing at least $10,000 a month" each morning before she went to work. Henriette, herself, has several stories of writing it down and making it happen. In one case she sold her house amazingly quickly and in a very specific manner, in another her son found a two-year-old list of goals and aspirations - and despite having lost the list - had accomplished each of them.

Journaling is a tool that can comfort, guide and inform. Like a good therapist, it has an ameliorating effect on life's stresses with the added bonus of allowing you to collect and review data so that you can evaluate the effectiveness of your plans and choices. It is the faithful friend who keeps you honest and focused on your goals.

Get ready to start journaling. Tomorrow (1.4.12) we'll get down to the nuts and bolts of the journal.


Klauser, Henriette Anne. Write It Down, Make It Happen, New York, NY: Scribner, 2000.

Rainer, Tristine. The New Diary: How to Use a Journal for Self-Guidance and Expanded
Creativity, New York, NY: Penguin Group, Inc., 1978, 2004.

RealAge. (2010). Thinking about a diet? a Journal Could Double Your Weight Loss. Retrieved from

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